

Sunday - 9:30AM Sunday School, 10:50 AM Worship Service | Wednesday - 6PM Bible Study

Celebrate the Season of Lent With Us

The Season of Lent may easily become just "something else to do" as we acknowledge the sacrifice Jesus did for us.  Typically we choose to sacrifice something during this season - be it following a fast, a 40-day denial of something that we typically do every day, or giving up a type of food.  If you are health challenged and cannot change your meal plan, maybe you could deny yourself your a cup of coffee every day. What about that favorite TV show or movie channel?  Could that time be replaced with devotional time?  This sacrifice is personal and is between God and you.  The bonus is that every single time you reach for that something, you are reminded of Jesus and His sacrifice for you.  Make this an intense time of worship, and draw closer to God.